Course Outline

Advanced Ownership

  • Understanding lifetimes and borrowing
  • Exploring smart pointers: Box, Rc, and Arc
  • Working with reference cycles using Weak and Unsync
  • Advanced ownership patterns and techniques

Asynchronous Programming with Async/Await

  • Introduction to asynchronous programming in Rust
  • Working with async/await syntax
  • Composing futures and working with async libraries
  • Exploring the async ecosystem and libraries

Traits and Generics

  • Advanced trait usage and associated types
  • Implementing generic functions, structs, and enums
  • Bounds and trait objects
  • Exploring trait coherence and orphan rules

Advanced Error Handling

  • Creating custom error types
  • Advanced error handling techniques: try!, ? operator, custom error chains
  • Error handling strategies and patterns


  • Procedural macros: attribute and function-like macros
  • Declarative macros: macro_rules! and the match-like syntax
  • Advanced macro usage and metaprogramming

Performance Optimization

  • Profiling and benchmarking Rust code
  • Identifying performance bottlenecks
  • Optimization techniques: data structures, algorithms, and compiler flags
  • Writing high-performance Rust code

FFI (Foreign Function Interface)

  • Interfacing Rust with C/C++ code
  • Exposing Rust APIs to other languages
  • Handling data types and memory management in FFI

Unsafe Rust

  • Understanding unsafe blocks and unsafe functions
  • Working with raw pointers and mutable aliasing
  • Safe abstractions around unsafe code

Advanced Concurrency

  • Advanced synchronization primitives: Mutex, RwLock, and Condvar
  • Implementing lock-free and wait-free data structures
  • Channels and message passing
  • Exploring advanced concurrency patterns

Web Development with Rust

  • Overview of web development in Rust
  • Exploring Rust web frameworks: Rocket, Actix, Warp, etc.
  • Interacting with databases
  • Deployment options and considerations

Advanced Troubleshooting

  • Advanced techniques for debugging and resolving complex issues in Rust programs
  • Profiling and optimizing performance in real-world scenarios
  • Strategies for handling edge cases and unusual behavior

Summary and Next Steps


  • Proficiency in Rust Fundamentals or equivalent experience
  • Experience with systems-level programming
  • Intermediate-level programming experience


  • Developers
 14 Hours

Testimonials (1)

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